5 August 2017

After spending a full year chronicling my travels around the world, I fell at the final hurdle. We returned home on 15th March and, after one last-ditch attempt to get everything I’d experienced up on the blog in the form of my Florida post, I became rather distracted. I returned home to friends, family, a new flat and – rather unexpectedly – a job offer to write for one of my favourite websites, Secret London.

Look, I’ve even got a snazzy new office:

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My enthusiasm for my new role as a proper, grown-up, professional writer rather unsurprisingly meant that my blog ended up taking a bit of a back seat. But, now that I’ve settled into my new life in the UK, I think it’s about time I relaunched Lily Blogs Life with some fresh new content.

And the first thing I’m going to do is to finish what I started. Presenting: a three minute video made up of one second for every day of the final six month stretch of our trip.

I used an app called 1 Second Everyday (or 1SE), which was fantastic. It really is the best record we could possibly have of our time away, because it sums up how it really was. Not every second was something amazing. Sometimes the second that most summed up the day was just a clip of the weather, or of us putting up a tent, or cooking dinner.

We saw some incredible things, but at some points - particularly during the last months we spent camping across America during the winter - all I wanted to do was to go home. Sleeping in my coat is not something I ever want to have to do again. It’s fair to say I am not a camping kind of girl… Glamping, maybe.

The final two weeks we spent in New York with our parents were two of the best weeks of my life and it was so fantastic to return home on such a high. I even got to go in a helicopter.

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For now though, I’m feeling quite pleased to be back in my nice, warm bed.

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